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Shortness Of Breath

Sunit R Patel, M.D., F.C.C.P., D.A.B.S.M. -  - Pulmonary, Critical Care & Sleep Medicine Specialists

Sunit R Patel, M.D., F.C.C.P., D.A.B.S.M.

Pulmonary & Sleep Specialist located in Merced & Turlock, CA

Shortness of breath is a common symptom of many pulmonary conditions, including asthma and COPD. Sunit R. Patel, MD, an experienced pulmonologist, offers patient-centered diagnosis and treatment at locations in Merced and Turlock, California. Call the office nearest you or click the online booking link to arrange your shortness of breath evaluation with an expert.

Shortness of Breath Q & A

When might I need treatment for shortness of breath?

If you experience shortness of breath at the same time as other symptoms like a chronic cough, chest pain, leg swelling, insomnia, dizziness, or chronic fatigue, schedule an appointment at the office of Sunit R. Patel, MD, as soon as possible. 

Also, if your shortness of breath gets worse over time, leading to difficulties doing the things that used to be easy for you, it's important to seek care before the problem worsens.

What causes shortness of breath?

The most common causes of shortness of breath include:

  • Asthma
  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
  • Bronchitis
  • Pneumonia
  • Pulmonary hypertension
  • Heart disease
  • Congestive heart failure
  • Pulmonary edema
  • Lung disease
  • Anaphylaxis

Other possible reasons for shortness of breath include anxiety and pregnancy. But, in general, if you're having breathing difficulties, the team at Sunit R. Patel, MD, starts by checking for lung problems with pulmonary function testing.

What is pulmonary function testing?

Pulmonary function testing evaluates your airflow and air quality. These simple and noninvasive in-office tests can help the team diagnose the cause of your shortness of breath. 

Pulmonary function testing can also verify whether a particular treatment works well for you. In addition to pulmonary function testing, you may also need a chest X-ray or other chest imaging tests to diagnose your condition. 

How is shortness of breath treated?

The treatment for shortness of breath varies with each individual and their underlying health problems. Inhaled medications are among the most common treatments for asthma and COPD. In severe cases, you may also need oral medication like steroids. 

Lifestyle changes can also be a major component of your treatment. If you smoke, for example, you need to quit. Improving your diet, sleep habits, and overall health can all help you feel better and reduce your breathing difficulties. 

If the team suspects a serious heart problem, you may need to visit a cardiologist for specialized treatment. 

If you’re experiencing shortness of breath and need to find out why, call the office of Sunit R. Patel, MD, nearest you or click on the online scheduling link to arrange your assessment.